Office Design on a Dime

Do you see what I’m dealing with? Do you see this?!?

One of the misfits erected a curtain in her cubicle so she could have privacy.

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36 Responses to Office Design on a Dime

  1. Barista says:


    I’m crying.

  2. Barista says:

    Oh, and I forgot to mention that I think OUM might be posting this same thing on his blog tomorrow. I’m heading to Joann’s now to get some fabric.

  3. K. Rock says:

    This is actually awesome.
    I love it.

  4. onefromphilly says:

    Got to do what you got to do in cubicle city. 🙂
    But she could have gotten a prettier pattern. 😦

  5. Krissy says:


  6. ames says:

    That’s a good idea for cube workers. Hopefully she isn’t assembling weapons.

  7. Bwahahahahahahhaha!!! I can’t believe that Facilities would allow her to keep it though.


  8. Petite Pearl says:

    I would think the noise from outside would be the bigger issue and the curtain won’t fix that. WTH? Maybe I don’t understand because I have an office with a door but what does this accomplish? It actually draws more attention to the fact that she wants more privacy.

  9. Ms. Smart says:

    How am I supposed to continue my day after seeing this? Huh? Tell me! This is a mess. It’s not even pretty curtain! Will HR tell her to take it down?

  10. cbean says:

    Girl, me and my cubie were just talking about doing this. I was going to get the beaded curtains ala 70s. LOL

  11. heartdrops says:

    NO EFFN WAY!!!! *DEAD*

  12. akima says:

    LOL! This would fuel my curiosity about what she does in her cubicle to no end. I’d pay way more attention to any sounds coming out of there than I would without the curtain.

  13. theorist says:

    I don’t thing this one wants privacy at all. This one likes attention. So give her some. HR? Facilities?

  14. TheMrs says:

    WOW….now I have truly seen it all!

  15. Tarsha R says:


  16. amyg says:


  17. Sha Boogie says:

    LOL!! Wait. That pattern shoooooo is UUUUGLY!!!!

  18. CreolePeach says:

    O-M-Gee!! This is hilarious!! If our cubes were so high, I’m sure the idiots (i can’t even sugarcoat it and call them misfits) in my office would do the same.

  19. Mick says:

    I have also yearned for privacy. But I wouldn’t dare take my grandmother’s table linens and fashion them into a curtain.

  20. CC says:

    You all should hang up curtains. Have one giant shanty town. 🙂 Then she’ll see how ridiculous it looks. Well…maybe not.

    She could have at least chosen a solid neutral.

  21. BK says:

    *blink blink* I need a proper warning next time.. you know my bladder is weak!!! WTFUDGE *ala 1969*

    Yeah if that happened in my office it would be down before COB smh.. she could have at least chosen a nicer one LOL

  22. sundaze says:

    Bwahahahahaaa!!! Why did I immediately think of Les Nessman from WKRP in Cincinatti! Yeah, that’s gonna have to come down.

  23. innerdiva says:

    Wow. I don’t even know what to say to that…and I work in HR.

  24. Deljah says:

    That’s one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen online!! I have the hiccups from laughing! I can just imagine a crowd of people gathered outside her cube to see that curtain. I would have emailed every co-worker I knew! I bet yall got no work done today, LOL!

  25. SoniaB says:

    Wow. I’ve looked at this a couple times & still can’t believe it.

  26. Gladys says:

    Please say you’re kidding? Someone actually did this? Wow.

  27. Mrs. AKAtude says:

    I’m sorry, I can’t even laugh, this is just crazy! Has no one not said anything?! Ok lmao now!!

    At a former job, we had a rolling screen for privacy that we had to share it, but a lady acted such a damn fool about it because she thought it was hers, I never used it, but it would’ve come in handy because of our design work, you really needed to zone out because I sat in a high traffic area – an outside cubical where everyone liked to stop and hold conversations.

  28. Jameil says:

    But why couldn’t she pick a pretty one??? Your grandma was giving away fabric? And not your trendy grandma. Your frumpy one. I would be more appalled that I had to look at that hideousness than anything else.

  29. brannon says:

    that’s tacky.

  30. t. sheree says:

    ROFL!!!! Gross! lol

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