Thankful: 30 Day Challenge

In honor of the upcoming holiday, and in keeping with the “get happy” movement, I have decided to start a blog challenge.

30 Days of Thankfulness

So many of us (okay mostly me) spend so much time complaining, I think this is a great to opportunity for us to share what we are thankful for.  It can be something as trivial as that new color of nail polish or something more monumental like that new job you got.

We shall begin the challenge on November 1st and finish at the end of the month.

Who’s down?

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17 Responses to Thankful: 30 Day Challenge

  1. Count me in too Babs ! I actually just dusted off my blog earlier today t, so since I failed so miserably at the last challenge, Imma give it another shot. This is just in time for Thanksgiving and very timely.

  2. amyg says:

    YEP! I am going to try and get an early start today – I am going to forget about the 464 pieces of halloween candy I ate yesterday and start fresh!!

  3. turquoisesha says:


    • turquoisesha says:

      Let me give a disclaimer: I will have my regular posts in addition to my “goodness & light” posts. I have to vent daily about my job. LOL

  4. jamie says:

    i will play

  5. creolepeach says:

    I’m down! I like this idea. I haven’t put much time into my blog lately. This will help me.

  6. Barrister says:

    I’m in there!

  7. SimplyB says:

    I’m down!

  8. Tsiporah says:

    I might have to dust off my blog for this challenge. I’ve been wanting to start blogging again. And after my night last night I realize I do have much to be thankful for.

  9. Pingback: 30 Days of Thankfulness « Solo Cruising…

  10. Clu says:

    Hmmm…I think I will dust off my blog and join in!

  11. Clu says:

    I am thankful I didn’t have to stand on the platform for more than 30 seconds before a train showed up. 🙂

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